Assurena Insurance Agency is an independent insurance brokerage agency that carries some of the best coverage options in the entire New USA.

Our Contacts

88 Centre Street North,
Toronto L4W 1C9
+1 (419)-507-0468
+1 (213)-345-0468

Working Hours

9.00 - 5.00
8.00 - 5.00
8.00 - 5.00
8.00 - 5.00
8.00 - 4.00

1.How can I lower my insurance costs?

Lowering insurance costs requires a strategic approach and a focus on risk management. Here are some tips to help reduce your insurance expenses:

  1. Shop Around: Obtain quotes from multiple insurance providers to ensure you are getting the best value for your coverage. Different companies may offer varying rates for similar policies.

  2. Bundle Policies: Consider bundling your insurance policies (home, auto, business) with the same provider. Many insurers offer discounts for bundled coverage, providing savings on overall premiums.

  3. Raise Deductibles: Increasing your deductible—the amount you pay out of pocket before insurance kicks in—can lower your premiums. However, ensure you have the financial means to cover the higher deductible if needed.

  4. Maintain a Good Credit Score: Insurers often use credit scores to determine premiums. Maintaining a good credit score can result in lower insurance costs. Pay bills on time, manage debts responsibly, and check your credit report regularly.

  5. Risk Mitigation Measures: Implement risk management strategies to reduce the likelihood of claims. For example, installing security systems, fire alarms, or sprinkler systems in your home or business may qualify for discounts.

  6. Review and Update Coverage: Regularly review your insurance coverage to ensure it aligns with your current needs. If your circumstances have changed (e.g., paid off a mortgage, sold a vehicle), adjusting your coverage can lead to savings.

  7. Drive Safely: For auto insurance, maintaining a clean driving record can result in lower premiums. Safe driving habits and completion of defensive driving courses may qualify you for discounts.

  8. Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle: Health insurance premiums are often influenced by lifestyle factors. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, such as regular exercise and a balanced diet, may contribute to lower health insurance costs.

  9. Consider Higher Policy Exclusions: Review your policy exclusions and consider whether there are coverages you can do without. Keep in mind that reducing coverage should align with your risk tolerance and financial capability.

  10. Ask About Discounts: Inquire with your insurance provider about available discounts. Common discounts include multi-policy discounts, safe driver discounts, and discounts for certain professions or affiliations.

  11. Choose a Higher Coinsurance Percentage: If applicable to your policy, opting for a higher coinsurance percentage may result in lower premiums. This means you'll pay a larger share of the costs in the event of a claim.

  12. Invest in Preventive Measures: Taking preventive measures to reduce the risk of accidents or damages can lead to long-term savings. For example, regular vehicle maintenance or home improvements that enhance safety can contribute to lower insurance costs.

Remember, it's essential to strike a balance between cost savings and maintaining adequate coverage for your needs. Before making significant changes to your policies, consult with your insurance agent to ensure that your risk management strategy aligns with your overall financial goals.

2.How often should I shop my insurance

Reviewing and shopping for insurance should be a regular part of your financial management strategy. While there isn't a strict rule for how often you should shop for insurance, consider the following guidelines:

  1. Annual Policy Review: Conduct a thorough review of your insurance policies at least once a year. This annual check allows you to assess changes in your circumstances, such as home renovations, vehicle upgrades, or changes in coverage needs.

  2. Major Life Changes: Whenever you experience significant life changes, such as getting married, having a child, buying a house, or changing jobs, it's a good time to review and potentially update your insurance coverage.

  3. Renewal Periods: Your insurance policies typically come up for renewal annually. Take advantage of this time to compare quotes and ensure you are still getting the best value for your coverage. Renewal periods provide an opportunity to explore other options without facing cancellation fees.

  4. Significant Premium Increases: If you notice a significant increase in your insurance premiums, it's a signal to shop around. Insurance rates can change due to various factors, and comparing quotes from different providers can help you find more affordable options.

  5. Competitive Market Changes: Keep an eye on the insurance market and industry trends. If new companies enter the market or if there are changes in regulations, it might impact the competitiveness of insurance rates. Take advantage of such changes to explore different options.

  6. Insurance Company Changes: If your insurance provider undergoes changes, such as a merger, acquisition, or restructuring, it could impact their policies and pricing. Use this as an opportunity to evaluate your options.

  7. Technology Advances: Technological advancements can also influence insurance offerings. New technologies may provide more accurate risk assessments, leading to better pricing. Check if new innovations align with your needs and could result in cost savings.

  8. Credit Score Improvement: If you've experienced improvements in your credit score, it could positively impact your insurance premiums. Consider shopping for insurance to take advantage of better rates based on your improved creditworthiness.

Remember that insurance needs and market conditions can change over time, so staying proactive with periodic reviews ensures that your coverage remains relevant, cost-effective, and aligned with your current circumstances. Consulting with your insurance agent or broker can provide valuable insights and help you make informed decisions during the shopping process.

3.Is there a fee for getting an insurance quote?

No, we offer free quotes

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